Healthscope Network News

Misconceptions about back pain
May 24, 2021, 3:48 PM
This week in Spine Health Week, Sophie Fraser, Physiotherapy Team Leader, and Pain Management Coordinator at The Victorian Rehabilitation Clinic discusses common misconceptions about the spine and how to manage low back pain.
Palliative Care on Macalister Ward, Ringwood Private Hospital
May 21, 2021, 3:00 PM
Palliative care is person and family centered and is provided to an individual with an active, progressive, advanced disease, who has little or no prospect of cure and who is expected to die. The primary goal of palliative care is to optimize quality of life. Comprehensive cancer care is the focus of Ringwood Private Hospital (RPH) and we are fortunate to have dedicated palliative care beds with experienced and trained nurses to facilitate excellent patient care during the phases of palliation.
Understanding Food Allergies
May 21, 2021, 1:23 PM
Allergies are becoming more and more common in Australia, with approximately one in three Australians developing an allergy at some point in their lives. Although allergies can be dangerous for some people, they can be easily managed if the right steps are taken. Being aware of your allergies and taking on the right management strategies is important for living with an allergy.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Patient Fact Sheet
May 21, 2021, 10:29 AM
Age-related macular degeneration occurs when the central retina, which is responsible for fine-detail vision, is damaged due to age. It is the leading cause of blindness in Australians over 65 years of age.
Bowel Disease: Patient Fact Sheet
May 21, 2021, 9:40 AM
Bowel disorders are conditions that often affect your small intestine. Some of them can also affect other parts of your digestive system, such as your large intestine. Bowel disorders affect how your body digests and absorbs food. They can cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as diarrhoea or constipation. There are various types and causes for bowel diseases and reasons why people get these diseases.
Benefits of Donor Breast Milk in Special Care Nursery
May 21, 2021, 8:57 AM
Premature infants are infants born before 37 weeks gestation and Healthscope Special Care Nurseries accept babies born from 32 weeks gestation. These premature infant are born with extremely immature immune systems which enhances their risk of infection and intestinal complications. Breastmilk is the ideal source of nutrition and provides immunity and protective properties that will assist the premature infant during this critical time while the gut learns to tolerate milk.
Humans of Healthscope with Enrolled Nurse Shauna Wilson
May 12, 2021, 11:54 AM
Humans of Healthscope with Endorsed Enrolled Nurse Steven Hall
May 12, 2021, 11:43 AM
Steven Hall is a remarkable Healthscope nurse, mentioned by name in positive patient feedback no fewer than 17 times throughout 2020. His is an empathy born of experience
Gestational Diabetes – What you need to know!
May 7, 2021, 2:28 PM
Understanding Gestational Diabetes by Caroline Hoggenmueller, Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Northpark Private Hospital. Diabetes is a condition where too much blood glucose is travelling through the blood stream. The hormone insulin moves glucose or sugar from your blood and into your body’s cells, where it is used for energy. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes which only occurs in pregnancy and affects 12-15% of all pregnant women in Australia. In pregnancy, hormones produced by the placenta, which help your baby to thrive, make it harder for your body’s insulin to work properly. This condition is called insulin resistance. Gestational diabetes then develops when your body is unable to cope with the extra demand for insulin production, which results in high blood glucose levels.
Exercise a must for prevention and recovery from cardiac event, especially for women.
May 3, 2021, 9:24 AM
Cardiovascular disease continues to be a major health problem and the leading cause of death worldwide for both men and women. It has long been accepted that exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programs to prevent or conducted after a cardiac event are effective in reducing mortality, improving outcomes of cardiovascular disease and quality of life.
For all media queries please contact:

Jim Cooper | Senior Corporate Affairs Manager

M: 0438 588 619


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