Frequently Asked Questions
To complete an eAdmission you will need access to:
- Mobile phone and an email address.
- Your Healthcare cards (Medicare, Private Health Insurance details, Concession card details. Other Insurance details such as Workcover or TAC details if applicable, Ambulance membership card
- Personal and Next of Kin details
- Contact details of your usual General Practitioner
- Your list of current medications including both prescribed and supplementary, the strength, dose and reason for taking
- Medical and surgical history
Check you are on the correct eAdmission website https://healthscope.eadmissions.com.au/
You will need to create an account if you are a new user- you will require a valid email address and mobile phone number to submit your eAdmission online.
Select ‘Create Account’ on the left side of the screen.
You will get a warning in red text if your email address is already in use, or if your password does not meet requirements.
If your Email Address has already been used, try logging in.
If you have Forgotten your Password, select Forgotten Password and follow the steps.
Passwords need to be at least 8 characters long and must contain at least one upper case character and 1 numeric character.
Healthscope recommends that you DO NOT use the ‘remember my password’ function. Please enter your user name and password each time.
You are able to complete an eAdmission as long as you have use or have assistance from a trusted source. This could be a relative or friend who has an email address and a mobile phone.
If you do not have anyone who can assist you please phone the admitting hospital who can provide assistance over the phone
It is possible to reset your password if you have forgotten it – Simply go to the front introductory page and select the ‘Forgotten Password’ link.
Type in your username or your email address. Once these details have been entered select the Tab key to retrieve your challenge questions. Following successful responses to your challenge questions, you will be sent an email with a temporary password.
Copy and paste the temporary password into the password field on the eAdmissions website. You will be prompted to reset it with a new one (to be entered twice before logging in again)
No, it is possible to use your existing account for multiple family member. When creating a new admission you will always be asked to provide the patient’s details. Alternatively, you can create an individual account provided they have a valid email address.
Unfortunately the forms on the eAdmission portal are in English only at this stage. We hope to offer this option in the future.
Yes, you will need to complete an eAdmission each time you comeinto hospital, however your previous eAdmission will be copied to your newadmission and any information that may have changed can be updated.
When you log into your account you will see a list of previousadmissions. Next to your admissions you will be able to view your previousforms by selecting the BLUE icon or print your previous forms by selecting theGREEN icon. Select ‘New Admission’ will commence a new eAdmission which will beprefilled with your information.
Please type in the first letter of the doctors surname and wait for the doctor list to load (this is to ensure you have correct spelling) Once the list has loaded you can continue to type additional letters of the surname to further narrow it down. If the doctor still does not exist please contact the hospital.
Please scroll up the page to ensure you have responded to all questions. Any missing responses will have red text next to it prompting for an answer. Complete and select Save and Continue.
Yes, you will receive 2 emails to your nominated email address – one on the completion of your Admission Form and a second email upon completion of your Health History.
No, it is not possible to update your forms once they have been submitted. Please contact your hospital where staff can make adjustments on your behalf.
Yes, your Health History is a required document for your admission.
Yes, before you submit your eAdmission you have the option to ‘View Admission Form’or ‘View History Form’.
This will open the information in PDF view – which you can thensave if you wish to retain a copy.
If you wish to view this information, after you have submittedyour eAdmission, from the homepage next to your admissions select the BLUE iconto view your previous Registration Details and Health History
Select the GREEN icon to print your previous RegistrationDetails and Health History.
How To Contact Us
National Capital Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday
P 1800 501 039
E NationalCapital.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Campbelltown Private Hospital
Contact Hours 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 4621 9111
E Campbelltown.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Hunter Valley Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.30am and 8.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 4944 3777
E HunterValley.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Nepean Private Hospital
Contact Hours 9.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 4732 7333
E Nepean.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Contact Hours 8.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 4732 7333
E Nepean.MaternityeAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Newcastle Private Hospital
Contact Hours 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Sunday
P (02) 4941 8400
E Newcastle.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Contact Hours 9.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 4941 9266
E Newcastle.MaternityeAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Northern Beaches Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 9105 6028
E nbhpublicbookings@healthscope.com.au
E nbhprivatebookings@healthscope.com.au
Contact Hours 8.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 9105 6015
E nbhpublicbirthing@healthscope.com.au
E nbhprivatebirthing@healthscope.com.au
Norwest Private Hospital
Contact Hours 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 8882 8804
E Norwest.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Contact Hours 8.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Thursday
P (02) 8882 8807
E Norwest.MaternityeAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Prince of Wales Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 9650 4000
E PrinceofWales.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Contact Hours 8.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 9650 4693
E PrinceofWales.MaternityeAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Sydney Southwest Private Hospital
Contact Hours 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 9600 4000
E SydneySouthwest.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Contact Hours 7.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday
P (02) 9600 4000
E SydneySouthwest.MaternityeAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Tweed Day Surgery
Contact Hours 6.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (07) 5506 6066
E Tweed.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Darwin Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (08) 8920 6323 / 635
E Darwin.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Contact Hours 7.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday
P (08) 8920 6323 / 635
E Darwin.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Brisbane Private Hospital
Contact Hours 7.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P (07) 3834 8085
E Brisbane.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Gold Coast Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P (07) 5530 0480
E GoldCoast.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Contact Hours 8.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (07) 5530 0726
E GoldCoast.MaternityeAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Peninsula Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P (07) 3883 9300
E Peninsula.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Sunnybank Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (07) 3344 9284
E Sunnybank.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
P (07) 3344 9308
E Sunnybank.MaternityeAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Parkwynd Private Hospital
Contact Hours 6.30am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday
P (08) 8159 5900
E Parkwynd.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Hobart Private Hospital
Contact hours 7.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (03) 6214 3162
E Hobart.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Contact hours 9.00am – 3.00pm Monday to Friday
P (03) 6214 3370
E Hobart.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Holmesglen Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday
P (03) 9567 9204
E Holmesglen.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
John Fawkner Private Hospital
Contact Hours 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P 1300 760 466
E JohnFawkner.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Knox Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P (03) 9210 7050
E Knox.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Melbourne Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am - 8.00pm Monday to Friday
P (03) 8341 3400
E Melbourne.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Northpark Private Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (03) 9468 0800
E Northpark.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Contact Hours 9.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (03) 9468 0800
E Northpark.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Ringwood Private Hospital
Contact Hours 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
P (03) 8804 4106
E Ringwood.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au
Mount Hospital
Contact Hours 8.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday
P (08) 9327 1100
E Mount.eAdmissions@Healthscope.com.au