Wash your hands, save a life

Healthscope’s Linda Jorgensen is passionate about the power of washing our hands as one of the simplest acts that can save lives. When COVID-19 broke out, Linda, who is Director of Nursing at Brisbane’s Peninsula Private Hospital, was one of the many leaders and contributors across the organisation reviewing policies and preparing critical education packages. Today, on Global Handwashing Day Linda reflects on what hand-washing means for our patients, and how COVID has boosted awareness and care.

 “The simple act of washing your hands can mean everything for our patients,” she says, noting Australian statistics that some 150,000 patients each year suffer healthcare associated infections prolonging hospital stays and consuming hospital bed days. Linda points to the story of one South Australian man who contracted a golden staph infection in a hospital in 2002 with devastating consequences. He lost his leg, his job, his house, and much of his social life and outlook. He later said “a simple act could have saved me all this … and that simple act is to wash your hands”. “If somebody had done that in 2002 … I wouldn’t have gone through what I’ve gone through … all of this was very preventable.”

Linda believes that if anything good can be said to come out of COVID in Australia it might be increased awareness of hand hygiene and other infection controls. “It’s been something of a health promotion program in its own right, not only for healthcare workers, but for the whole community,” she says, observing how Healthscope people, patients and visitors are much more comfortable prompting one another to wash their hands.

Linda thinks that during COVID team members have become even more accountable and feel safer checking on others. “It has opened conversation loops and reinforced our training and education programs. COVID has changed many things at work that will stay with us and speaking up is one of the positives.

“I see the people around me being kind to each other and I think we have to encourage that kindness and openness. People who are unsure about something should know they can speak up.

We stand together in this.”

Global Handwashing Day is celebrated around the world on 15 October each year as a day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives.. This year it recognises COVID-19 as a stark reminder that one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of a virus is also one of the simplest: hand hygiene, especially through handwashing with soap.





Linda Jorgensen, Director of Nursing at Brisbane’s Peninsula Private Hospital

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