Healthscope finalises COVID-19 Vaccination policies
9 November 2021
Healthscope has finalised its COVID-19 Vaccination policies, the leading Australian healthcare company announced today.
CEO Steven Rubic said the policies - which require staff, accredited practitioners including Medical Officers, suppliers, students, volunteers and contractors - to be fully vaccinated were finalised on the back of feedback from staff and other key stakeholders.
“We are proud to have been the first private hospital network in Australia to announce an intent to introduce a national, required vaccination policy, subject to consultation,” Mr Rubic said.
Healthscope received more than 200 comments from an extensive consultation process held at every hospital and site nationally.
“This consultation showed us there was strong support at all levels for the policy, in particular the risk-based approach and the safety focus,” Mr Rubic said.
“We are implementing these policies as the safety of our people, patients and partners is our number one priority. We are committed to providing a safe workplace and the greatest protection possible.”
Vaccination is the most effective way to reduce deaths and severe illness from COVID-19 and offers the highest safety control against the virus.
The national policies will be effective immediately with people working on Healthscope premises or providing care to Healthscope residents or patients required to be fully vaccinated by 31st January 2022. However, where Public Health Orders or government directives mandate vaccinations by an earlier date, those timeframes will apply.
With respect to patients, Healthscope does not plan to impose a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirement.
“Our guiding principle is that a patient’s vaccination status does not affect their access to care at Healthscope hospitals,” Mr Rubic said.
For more information contact:
Jim Cooper
E: jim.cooper@healthscope.com.au
M: 0438 588 619