Healthscope nurses to scrub up with a new look in 2022
21 December 2021
Thousands of nurses and midwives on the wards of Healthscope hospitals across the country will be wearing scrubs on wards nationally from 2022.
The change comes after our nurses and midwives voted overwhelmingly in favour of scrubs while working on wards, saying it would make them feel more comfortable and safe at work.
The move makes Healthscope the first private hospital group to introduce scrubs in the ward environment nationally. Healthscope Chief Nursing Officer Jeffrey Woods said the decision was made following overwhelming feedback in favour of the proposed new look.
“It’s been a difficult couple of years for our frontline people, and we wanted to know if a change to their uniform might make a difference to their working day,” Mr Woods said.
“We were blown away by the reaction – over 98 percent of our nurses and midwives who responded wanted to move away from the corporate uniform and into scrubs.
“Our nurses and midwives provide the best care to our patients, and they know what’s practical and best for them to do their important work.”
The change also comes off the back of a nursing uniform review that found many of the best known hospitals worldwide have moved towards scrubs as nursing uniforms, and that wearing nursing scrubs actually contributes to positive patient experiences and builds trust. The new scrubs are more tailored than regular theatre scrubs, are made from nextgeneration antibacterial material with improved durability, and also include pockets that actually work on the job.
“During our review we found that patients, consumer representatives and doctors alike see nursing scrubs as highly professional, and that there is a strong association between scrubs and clinical expertise, as well as a high standard of care,” Mr Woods added.
Healthscope Chief Operating Officer Nicole Waldron said Healthscope was proud to be leading the private sector nationally to modernise nursing uniforms.
“Modernising our uniforms supports our people and helps deliver on our promise of being a really great place for nurses and midwives to work. Nursing and midwifery uniforms have come a long way over the years and we are delighted to be leading the way for the private hospital sector, offering contemporary, professional scrubs that today’s nurses and midwives want.”
Throughout 2022, hospital uniform refreshes will roll out across the country, and Healthscope expects all wards to have transitioned to scrubs by 2023.
For more information contact:
Jim Cooper
E: jim.cooper@healthscope.com.au
M: 0438 588 619