R U OK? 

What a difference these three words can make.

Three words between loneliness and support
Three words between helplessness and help
Three words between despair and hope
Three words between anger and tears of relief
Three words between shame and acceptance

And three words that could make a difference between life and death.

Year 2000, these three words “R U OK?” made a huge difference to my life. Because of these words, I am here today. Psychiatric illness runs in my family; I have been a carer, a provider, mental health advocate and I am also a consumer.  While I was growing up, the messages in the community were clear, “you don’t talk about your feelings”, “you don’t talk about your depression”, “you don’t talk about suicide”, but thankfully, I was fortunate. To this day, I continue to be grateful to those close family and friends of mine who saved me when I had given up, they gave me hope, they opened a dialogue, and they saved me, I am eternally grateful to them. It just took three words….”R U OK?”

So, what is R U Ok? Day?  Gavin Larkin OAM tells his story here.

Fast forward to Year 2020 - Meet COVID-19. 
Who would have thought that year 2020 was going to be such a challenging year for all of us! This tiny COVID-19 monster has shown us humans that we are not infallible. Wherever you look, wherever you turn to, you see stress, uncertainties, fear, panic, conflict, and so much more... 

But on a positive note, COVID-19 has also brought us together; it’s made us think of others, made us think of ways to reach out to those who are really struggling, made us think to reflect on our own health and well-being, has forced us to spend time with our loved ones, and has brought families, friends and colleagues together. All the more reasons to look out for one another, and ask R U Ok?  Look out for these signs here.

And on this R U Ok? Day on 10th September 2020, there is a special message:




So, let me introduce you to A.L.E.C. 

A.L.E.C?  Who?  

Ask ... Listen ... Encourage action ... Check 

So, what does A.L.E.C do? A.L.E.C guides us when we feel stuck and unsure of how to start a conversation and what to do afterwards. 

These links offer some great guidance: 

But now you may ask “We are in lockdown and you want us to meet A.L.E.C. How can A.L.E.C help us when we are in lockdown, when we have to follow the current restrictions due to COVID-19?” 

Let me explain. Remember the time when it was advisable to reduce time on technology and social platforms? Well, now is the time to use technology and social media effectively. Because that’s how we can remain connected. Whether it’s WhatsApp, Skype, Google duo, Zoom, FaceTime, simple texting, emailing, Discord or any other social platform that you can think of - we need it now. We need to use it to reach out to those we are concerned about. We need to remain connected. 

Please have a read of these handy tips, on remaining connected here, and ideas on how to remain connected whilst social distancing, here.

Now, please excuse me as I must get back to my lovely 80-year old neighbour who lives alone. She has just managed to figure out how to FaceTime and it's timely that she meets my friend A.L.E.C today! 




Dr Hemlata Ranga
Consultant Psychiatrist 
The Melbourne Clinic


What to do if you or someone you know, needs help:

Please visit the R U OK website by clicking here

Please also speak with your GP about seeking help for yourself of someone you know 

The Melbourne Clinic’s website has some great information under the self-help tab here 

You can use Healthscope’s Specialist Search function here if you would like to find see psychiatrist near you

Our Assistance

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