Our expert team of health professionals will help your patients achieve their rehab goals following surgery, illness or injury in the comfort and privacy of their own home.
The Rehab at Home team will support patients with a personalised program following discharge from hospital. Our expert team may include physiotherapists, occupational therapists and nurses, all managed by a care coordinator who will guide your patient along the journey.
With high quality treatment and care, we’ll ensure that your patient’s transition from hospital to home is smooth and helps them get on the path to independence and back on their feet sooner.
For further detail regarding patient eligibility, please contact our Rehab at Home team on 1300 1 REHAB (1300 173 422). Eligibility for Rehab at Home includes:
- Patients living in metropolitan Melbourne
- Medibank, ahm and BUPA patients following joint replacement surgery
- TAC clients with an approved claim
- WorkSafe VIC clients with an approved claim
It's quick and easy to refer to Rehab at Home!
Click the button below and complete the online form, which will be submitted to our clinical management system. Following submission of the form, you will receive confirmation of receipt and a member of our Rehab at Home team will contact the patient to arrange the first appointment.
We regularly seek feedback on the experience of our Rehab at Home patients, with experience surveys sent out to patients on discharge. Please see below for the latest patient experience data.
To contact a member of our Rehab at Home team, please call 1300 1 REHAB (1300 173 422) or email rehabathome@healthscope.com.au.